National Bike Week in Galway

Galway Bike Week will take place from the 11th – 19 May 2024 as part of National Bike Week, with cycling events all over Galway city and county, organised by local authorities, community groups, charities and cycling groups.

Now in its fourteenth year, the Galway Bike Festival promotes cycling for everyone, supports a dynamic cycling culture in the city and county and aims to increase the number of cyclists in Galway. Galway Bike Festival is a celebration of all that is great about cycling – it’s good for your health, good for the city, and good for the environment.

Scoil Chaitríona Senior will be celebrating Bike Week on Friday, May 17th 2024. More information to follow.


UPDATE on Bike Week Activities in Scoil Chaitríona Senior

Monday, May 13th 2024

Road and cycle safety workshops for all pupils facilitated by RSA’s Education Office, Karen. All 376 students in the school attended, for workshops that lasted 45 minutes per class level. Karen was excellent and very clearly conveyed the message of road safety generally, and cycle safety specifically.

Friday 17th May 2024

All 376 pupils, their parents and staff (40) were encouraged to cycle/ scoot to school. We had a great turnout of 10 adults and 31 children. All children who cycled were given a prize for cycling. These prizes were  – bells, helmets, bike lights and high-vis vests. The adults were entered into the draw for the 4 Halfords vouchers

In some classrooms, the children took part in a ‘Design a bike activity’ using powerpoint/ poster/ lego/ model.

There was a great buzz around the school on the day. We have seen more bikes in the yard since our Bike Week cycle to school event.

Please look at some of the photos below from Bike Week 2024.