Art Competition

Our annual art competition and display has now become an integral part of the school year. All children are encouraged to submit at least one entry which can be a painting, a collage, crayon drawing, pencil drawing, or photograph.

Prizes are awarded to the winners and runners-up in each class. The overall winners from third, fourth, fifth and sixth classes receive trophies and the winning entries are framed and hung on the main corridor for everybody’s enjoyment. Visitors can admire the very high standard of artistic endeavour nurtured by this competition.



Draughts Competition

Each year a draughts competition is organised throughout the school. As with every other activity each child is encouraged to participate, and there are prizes for winners and runners-up in each class as well as trophies for over-all winners in the senior (5th, 6th) and middle (3rd, 4th) class groups.

A very high level of concentration is evident as the children prepare for the competi­tion and the excitement and tension build up as the players progress from round to round. Separate competitions are held for the senior and middle classes, and the chil­dren clearly enjoy this activity.



Handwriting Competition

Photo of Handwriting Competition April 2014

The Handwriting Competition takes place in the school every year.  The aim is to encourage the development of legible, cursive script throughout the school. A winner is chosen from each stream across the school.

Here is a photo of some winning entries.