Trip to Town Christmas'13


Scoil Chaitriona Senior established a special class for hearing impaired children in September 2007.

The objective of the class was to meet the educational needs of those children who cannot access the instruction and activities of the regular classroom because of their hearing difficulties.

The Visiting Teacher will assess all new applications and may also seek opinions from psychologists and other professional personnel. Ideally children will enrol on September 1st. However, if need arises and subject to a place being available, applications for admission will be considered at other times during the school year.

Applications for admission will be considered by the school principal, class teacher, visiting teacher of the deaf and one member of the Board of Management.

Others may be co-opted if it is considered necessary.

Currently one permanent teacher employed.

Special Needs Assistant [Part-time]

The Unit has access to the following

Visiting Teacher of the Deaf

Speech and Language Therapists [H.S.E.]

Cochlear Implant Team [Beaumont Hospital]

In line with school policy, each child will integrate with mainstream classes where possible. This may be partially for non-academic subjects such as PE, Art. Other children may integrate for academic subjects. Integration is dependent on close cooperation and collaboration of whole school staff and is kept under constant review.

Manual and oral modes of communication will be available and will be used flexibly in order to best satisfy the needs of each individual child.

The role of parents is central in the education of our children. On-going two-way communication is routine.

Formal PT meetings occur annually.

Tests used to assess literacy include the Edinburgh Reading Tests, Qualitative Reading Inventory and Micra- T tests.

Sigma -T tests are used to assess numeracy

Children under the care of the cochlear implant programme Hospital are assessed by    the Clinical   Psychologist there.

Speech and Language Therapists and Psychologists carry out assessments as required.

Children either wear hearing aids or have cochlear implants.

Children use computers to aid learning.

Classrooms have Interactive Whiteboards installed.

The Unit has established links with the local deaf community through liaising with DeafHear. Children participate in activities organised by DeafHear.

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