Dear Parents and Students,

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all our sixth class students on the completion of their primary schooling, for all their hard work, efforts, and personality they have brought to Scoil Chaitríona Senior over the past four years. The children and their families attended a mass on Thursday morning to mark this special occasion. The children then enjoyed a disco and party in the school hall to celebrate their graduation. It was a really special day celebrating their successes and accomplishments but also the friendships that they made throughout their time in Scoil Chaitríona Senior.

We wish them the very best of luck in commencing the next chapter in Secondary School and in all their future endeavours. We hope you enjoy this poem by Joanna Fuchs, celebrating this next step. 

Graduate, you are now on the big ship of life.

Know that although you are the captain,

Manoeuvring the wheel to steer your course,

the weather may be unpredictable.

It’s often be sunny and smooth,

But you may also have challenging seas,

even storms that show you what you are made of.

Use your education, your natural talents and skills

to chart and navigate the path you

want to travel.

Blessings, graduate.

We know you can do it!

By Joanna Fuchs