01.03.2023 Thanks to our new nestbox camera, the children can get to see what is happening inside one of the school’s nestboxes. Already, we can see that a blue tit is checking it out as a place to nest and hatch chicks. We look forward to having such clear pictures to enable us to see what happens as it’s happening.
30.03.2023  The blue tit has been busy! A comfy nest has been made in the nest box. There is likely to be plenty of activity in the nest box over the coming weeks.
16.04.2023 The nest box, is looking more colourful and homely. The blue tit has started to ‘decorate’ with feathers and wool. No sign of any eggs yet.


Our wifi has been down so we have not been able to monitor proceedings in the nest box. It took a bit of trouble shooting but the nest box camera is up and running again.
The good news is we’ve spotted 2-3 eggs. (Top middle of photo). She’ll lay one egg per day until she’s finished laying and then she’ll sit on the eggs to incubate them. Meanwhile she’s still in and out of the box, feeding and collecting further nesting material. Once she’s incubating the eggs full-time the male will come and go with food for her. 

Three eggs clearly visible in the nest this morning.


5 eggs clearly visible. Proud parent looking on.



6 eggs in the nest today.


We have been having some technical issues with our nestbox camera. Today, we were able to see 7 eggs in the next. At this point, that is all that will be laid.


Mom busy sitting on the eggs, waiting for them to hatch. Dad keeping her going with regular deliveries of food.


The technical issues with our nestbox camera continue. We had a brief peek inside the box and could see that the eggs gave hatched. The birds are not the prettiest – no feathers yet! Mom and Dad are busy getting food for the chicks.


The baby Blue Tits are thriving! We can see that they are eager for the food their parents  and they are getting more colourful as their feathers start to grow.


The baby Blue Tits are starting to look more like their parents.

There are 4 baby Blue Tits.


The baby Blue Tits are some much bigger now and they are getting ready to leave the nest and start the next chapter of their lives.


Gone! All that is left behind is one of the eggs that didn’t hatch.