The Parish of Renmore, as we know it today, was established in 1971. Canon Jack O’Connor was its first parish priest and he quickly set about the task of build­ing schools to cater for the rapidly growing population.
Scoil Chaitríona Junior opened in 1973, followed by Scoil Chaitríona Senior in 1974, initially using some empty classrooms in the Junior School building as the senior school building was unfinished.
Carmel (Hanrahan) Lane was appointed as school secretary for both schools and began in her new role in August 1979. This is the notice of her appointment which was in the Renmore Parish Newsletter September 1979.
Carmel Lane is the longest serving member of staff in Scoil Chaitríona and is much loved by current and former parents and students, the face and the voice of the school for many. Having spent 45 years as school secretary, Carmel is also the longest serving school secretary in all of Ireland.
Carmel will be celebrating her retirement with a Mass on Friday, 14th June at 12 noon in Renmore Parich Church. Past parents and students are welcome to attend.
We wish Carmel many years of happiness as she embarks on the next chapter in her life.