‘Stay n’ Play’ After School Care

A programme of affordable after school childcare, “Stay ‘n Play”, is available in Scoil Chaitríona Senior.  

It is open from 2.30pm each school day and it also provides a service during school holidays and other school closures.

The manager of “Stay ‘n Play” is Ms. Jackie Davey and she can be contacted in the Senior School Hall each day from 2.30pm and on 086-0855731.

‘Stay and Play’ is registered with Tusla and has a National Childcare Scheme (NCS) contract with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

The subsidy will be paid directly to “Stay ‘n Play”, who will then subtract your subsidy from your childcare bill.

More information on the NCS is available on their website.https://www.ncs.gov.ie/en/


Hot Lunches

There are hot school lunches provided for the children in Scoil Chaitríona Senior in conjunction with Fresh Today. Fresh Today are an established market leader in the preparation and delivery of healthy school lunches throughout the country. For over 10 years we have been preparing food for the children of the Irish DEIS Schools. An integral part of the Irish education system, our lunches help ensure school children throughout the country are well-fed and focused on the day ahead.


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