Phew! What a busy week this has been!

March 4th to 8th is Engineers Week. Our children engineered bridges and egg carriers! Some of the children learned some Scratch programming.

March 7th was World Book Day. The children each got a voucher for a free World Book Day book, or money off a book in a book shop. The children completed book reviews, used the videos from the World Book Day website to learn more about writing and illustrating books. 

The school’s Maths display board is being filled daily with March Maths Puzzles. Great fun, and somewhat challenging.

Seachtain na Gaeilge a bhí ann freisin ó 1ú go dtí an 17ú do mhí Márta. Déanann gach duine sár iarracht Gaeilge a úsáid sa scoil.

March 8th each year is International Women’s Day. Their slogan this year is ‘Balance for Better’, encouraging the trend towards a balanced world being a better world.